What we do

Investment Management

We manage the Quantara Pan Pacific Equities Investment Portfolio. This is an unlisted Managed Investment Account Service (MIAS) that is suitable for investors who want capital growth and have an investment time horizon of at least 5 years. 

Our Fund has several investment mandates, which together operate as a complete Core / Satellite investment solution.

As an investor in the fund, you will hold an account with our prime broker, Interactive Brokers, and have a custodial HIN for your investments.

Investment Consultancy

For self-directed investors, we offer a confidential portfolio consultancy service – on a  general advice basis. 

This is an ideal way to access our professional opinions and investment philosophy about the investments you hold as well as allowing you to bounce around your investment ideas with us.

NOTE: This service does NOT provide personal advice.  We will only provide a general discussion on investments and you need to consider if these are right for you before investing.

Need More Information?

We are happy to answer your questions about any of our services.
Reach out to us and lets chat when you are ready.

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