Investment Strategies

Backtesting a strategy

What is Backtesting? Backtesting involves applying a strategy or predictive model to historical data to determine its accuracy. It can be used to test and compare the viability of trading strategies so traders can employ and tweak successful strategies. Summary How Backtesting Works Analysts use backtesting as a way to test and compare various trading techniques […]

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Managing Portfolio Risk

Share markets have endured a tumultuous start to the year, with the war in Ukraine, lockdowns in China and inflation anxieties relegating COVID-19 news flow to the back pages. In this environment, timing when markets will reach their nadir becomes notoriously difficult to achieve and we implore investors to overcome the temptation to make hasty

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Managing market volatility with alternative hedging strategies

In the past, the choice to maintain an investment portfolio of 60 per cent equities and 40 per cent bonds was a prudent one. This distribution, which allowed for diversification between these two types of assets, has long been the standard. But today, with inflation at 40-year highs and volatility seemingly here to stay, this

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What is Quantitative Investing?

Quantitative analysis (QA) in finance is an approach that emphasizes mathematical and statistical analysis to help determine the value of a financial asset, such as a stock or option. Quantitative trading analysts (also known as “quants“) use a variety of data—including historical investment and stock market data—to develop trading algorithms and computer models. The information generated

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Positioning your portfolio for inflation

Investors will need to start thinking about how to position their portfolio for rising inflation with expected economic growth in the wake of large-scale fiscal support and stimulatory money policy. In 2020, the global pandemic drove central banks and governments worldwide to unleash unprecedented monetary easing and fiscal stimulus packages. This spurred record low-interest rates

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